A proposition regarding the authenticity of mundane discourse as a reflection of theories of testimony and communication. (2018)
Fig 1. Installation image. 2018.
Fig 2. Still from video documentation of internal space of A proposition regarding the authenticity of mundane discourse as a reflection of theories of testimony and communication. (2018)
Fig 3. Still from video documentation of internal space of A proposition regarding the authenticity of mundane discourse as a reflection of theories of testimony and communication. (2018)
Fig 4. Internal space of A proposition regarding the authenticity of mundane discourse as a reflection of theories of testimony and communication. (2018)
Fig 5. Internal space of A proposition regarding the authenticity of mundane discourse as a reflection of theories of testimony and communication. (2018)
Fig 6. Internal space of A proposition regarding the authenticity of mundane discourse as a reflection of theories of testimony and communication. (2018)
This box creates an uncanny space in which the viewer can delve into and explore the extent to which they find themselves in situations of, or lack of, truth telling on a daily basis. This work brings forward questions in relation to testimony within the scope of social epistemology, questioning the habitual acts of trust we exert in daily conversation in order to maintain a sustainable system of communication. In this space of familiar and yet unfamiliar we are confronted with the constructed nature of our reality as well as the role we play within it.
Accompanying the physical work is a sound recording pitched up and pitched down voices which are engaging is mundane dialogue that leave a degree of space for deception and doubt, bringing uestiions about the frabricatiion of a consrtucted conversation as a whole.