Strongest woman alive // rampant identity crisis (2018)
STRONGEST WOMAN ALIVE // RAMPANT IDENTITY CRISIS is a performance piece in which, Schoenberg, as the superwoman persona enters a smaller gallery space, which is blocked off by a safety barrier. The piece begins when she enters and drags the safety barrier from the doorway to the back corner of the gallery space. At that point, she picks up a microphone and delivers a monologue in a high pitched voice. The speech addresses ideas of failing identity, the individual verses the collective, contemporary protest and revolution, and her role as the image of feminine strength, in its failings. When she appears to have completed her monologue, she places down the microphone and places herself in a pose with her hand on her hip, smiling. During this period, the audience took photos with Schoenberg as she stood in the space, as well as watched to see whether or not she would shift. She maintains this position until the space was vacated, at which point the costume is removed and the artist exits the space.